Saturday, January 29, 2011

New Software Treasure Hunt

Just found out there's a new version of the Kodak software for our s1220. I've downloaded it and will install it shortly. Great news - this version seems to support Windows 7 which is installed on the most recent PC we've installed. Also a suggestion that the image order number will be improved so final numbering reflects what the client wants. Sounds vague I know but if you've been running an s1220 you'll know what I mean.

Small beef - I found this update by accident. We own many devices, not just scanners but Flip camera, iPods, all of which get upgraded by a clever system of automatic notifications usually when the device is connected. Even our Epsons, the workhorses of our photo scanning service, which run Silverfast, have a function which checks for software updates every month.

Come on Kodak, can't we have the same feature?

Jeff Underwood

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Scanning Today

My apologies to the guy who rang earlier this afternoon and asked about throughput on our Kodak s1220. I have tried to email this to you but it bounces back. The answer to your question is that we've scanned 1421 standard sized photos today.

Small Problem, Solved

Normally we scan 99.9999% of our photos on our Kodak s1220 with any odd ones done on our Epson flatbed. Either those that are that bit too big for Kodak or ones that are too small, and normally its the tiddlers that are a problem.

So when I opened a box with a few hundred photos and about 20 sub passport sized prints dropped out I knew I had a problem. You see our Epson packed up and I'm waiting on a spare, and in the absence of the Epson those small pics would hold up the return of the complete batch. Not the best for customer service. Then I had a brainwave ....

I thought maybe, if I attach each small image to an upturned post-it note, it would be big enough to go through the s1220. Then I could open the scans in Photoshop and crop out the surplus yellow background. Amazing, it actually worked. One happy customer, one happy scanner.

Jeff Underwood
Photo scanning service