Thursday, February 24, 2011

Comparative Speed Test

If you're considering investing in a new Kodak scanner this video gives an interesting insight into relative speeds of Kodak's current models.

Take into account cost per unit, reslience to machine faults, which would you go for? One big fast one or two slower models?

Jeff Underwood
Photo scanning service

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Brillianize Miser

We use Brillianize wipes to keep the two scanning glasses clean. They seem very expensive to me but they're worthwhile in improving the quality of photo scanning. The instructions are on the little packet but I was thrown when I was asked a simple question - why do you throw the wet one away and keep re-using the dry one?

So this last week, thanks to a sealable plastic bag, I've kept the wet part and used it a few times each day. Works a treat and you can call me miser any time.