Saturday, July 16, 2011

Where in the world is s1220?

During the dull bits, for example while the s1220 is doing its thing to restore colour to a batch of photos, I amuse myself by thinking where I'd try to sell photo scanners if I were Kodak rather than a humble photo scanning service in the UK.

This week I read a tip about using website statistics to identify a target market. So I've just done a bit of digging into who actually reads these posts, and who I assume have an interest in Kodak, s1220 or photo scanning. So if I were Mr Kodak Intergalactic this is where I'd be heading.

USA. Ok, not much of a trip for people based in New York State but US interest outweighs the rest of the world put together so maybe your biggest market is on your doorstep. Or maybe the good folk of Rochester indulge odd moments of boredom thinking "where in the world would I open a photo scanning business".

Next, with very similar stats, come Japan, Germany, Turkey and the UK. The big surprise for me in there is Turkey. On a par with Japan and Germany - wow.

Then, another fair step behind, come an odd couple - China and Iran. China I can sort of understand as I know for many years even the poorest Chinese citizens have cherished photos so maybe they've been writing ad copy for Kodak in their duller moments, But Iran? Really? That is one place I'd love to visit and maybe there's market potential there to justify First Class air.

Finally there are the guys letting the side down. At less than 1% of the interest shown by Uncle Sam come the triplets of Canada, Netherlands and Australia. Frankly, we think you should be doing better. I'd justify my trips there by telling Kodak Inc board that the population there need a good talking to and Bondi Beach is the best place to shout.

But finally, finally, are those who don't appear. Mainland Africa? South and Central America? Middle East? Far East?

Clearly this is too much for even Kodak Rochester to handle. Next week we have a few big jobs on, lots of photo restores, so it must be down to me to fill in to help out Kodak. Just send me the plane tickets and hotel vouchers - I'll hit Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia. My address is on the website.

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