Monday, February 1, 2010

Gentle Handling

Someone on the Google image scanning news group asked for recommendations for high volume photo scanning. When you have thousands of images to scan, believe me, nothing comes close. As you'd expect various other suggestions were made, mainly by people who I'm sure had never faced the task of scanning thousands of photos per day.

One post I found particularly disappointing as it came from someone who professed to have been a Kodak s1220 owner. One aspect of the complaint about his experience with the s1220 was the suggestion that the combination of gravity and rollers in the scanner causes track marks on prints. I was surprised, I had never examined the prints we scanned that closely but felt sure I would have noticed.

Since that post I've looked very, very closely at the front and the back of the prints we've scanned for 1Scan and our free photo scanning service. Nothing, no marks or any sign that the photos have been anywhere other than in their warm padded envelopes.

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