Monday, February 22, 2010

New Software - In Use

We installed the new software earlier today and gave it a run with a batch of photos that came in this morning. They were monochromes so not the best test.

Opening the new version you'll notice immediately that the clients name gets entered before the date / time stamp which makes it easier to find clients files, like that. Then you'll get into a new set of control settings, which includes the scan to CD, DVD or other storage device. That corrects a major gap in the functionality of the s1220.

Gee does that DVD burner work well, I love it, it's going to be my favourite Kodak feature for ages I'm sure.

Other features - scan as monochrome, adjust dpi settings in flight, add auto sharpening (with different levels) plus all you'll remember from your previous version of Scan the World. And auto rotate.

I haven't quite puzzled out how this operates. It seems to be trying to orientate each image as its scanned then you have the option to auto rotate at the end. I scanned just over 200 ancient (back to 1920, nothing later than 1958) monochromes and fed each one the wrong way round. Batch auto rotate did a fair job at getting the orientation right; but for some reason almost identical images resulted in one right answer and one wrong. I'll be interested to see how this does on more recent colour images.

And on an entirely subjective basis I'd see the colour restore function works better.

We I'd have loved to play more but we also got our new photobooks function online so I had to dedicate time to that. But thanks Kodak, this is a big step forward.

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