Monday, March 29, 2010

Scanner Update

We use our s1220 to drive two key elements of our photo scanning services, one is paid for the other is free ( Apart from that what we do with each clients photos is exactly the same. Since its a few weeks after the launch of the latest software we've been reflecting on how things have gone.

We're still really keen on V3. The colours on first pass scans are better, and I'm sure thats not just a subjective opinion. We are doing much less by way of total batch retouching and of course that saves a lot of time. Compared to other versions now all images are fed in "upside down" and inverted as they're scanned. We see virtually none of the old problem of banding in the sky that so many holiday snaps with big blue skys, so a big tick there.

I have to confess to going back to my old habit of standing over the scanner and manually orienting the photos as I feed them in, so the fun of auto rotate has faded a bit. It still impresses me but I remind myself I'm not here to enjoy myself, this is my living.

We like our nice anti static wipes, mentioned in an earlier post. We still clean regularly but the scanner is staying clean, and we haven't had to do any rescans due to those green, red or blue tracer lines that hit us all earlier. We still hate that blue tack stuff though and curse its invention.

Still happy, still love the s1220, just love Kodak. Even beed watching them on YouTube.

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